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Birdie Talk

Everyday Dangers

Windows.  Striking a window can easily break your pet's neck, cause concussions or damage its beak.


Ceiling Fans.  For free-flying birds, fans can be a source of severe injury.

A bird's natural instinct is to hide any signs of illness.  Be aware of your bird's normal behaviour and characteristics so that when subtle changes occur you will be able to recognize them, initial signs of illness may include:


Decreased Activity.  Signs of depression, listlessness, a general fluffy appearance or abnormal daytime sleeping are warning signals.


Change in droppings.  Changes in color or consistnecy (diarrhea) of droppings can be indicate the onset of disease.  Consult your avian veterinarian.


Weight.  Weight should remain relatively constant in an adult bird.  If your bird begins to lose substantial amounts of weight, consult your veterinarian.


General Care

If a bird appears fluffed and sleepy, or is coughing or sneezing, or exhibits diarrhea, vomitting or an injury, remain calm!  Keep bird warm (85-90 degrees).  Call your veterinarian immediately.  Keep area around bird quiet and dark.

Sign of Illness

Overheating.  If your bird is placed near a window and it cannot escape from incoming sunlight, it could suffer from heat exhaution.


Insect spray/Other Inhaled Toxins.  Pesticides, ammonia or bleach fumes, hairsprays, cleaning sprays and high levels of carbon monoxide can be toxic to your bird.

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